Thursday, July 30, 2015

Goodness Gracious Me

Here I was worrying attendance would be poor, Fool me,

Our first AfricanTeams meeting was a rip roaring success even though I struggled to keep up at times. Attendance peeked at 54 at times. Special thanks to CC and LC members who attended, you made my day. :D I cant write about the whole meeting because suggestions and ideas were flying to and fro so rapidly.
All I know is that the plan is working and the last 2 teams will be included in the next meeting. As you will see at we have added a section where lugs can now join our group. Being rather on the old side I don't understand if there is a difference between them and us. Aren't we all just one big Linux family. So what if some prefer other Linux Distros, betcha they have Ubuntu running somewhere. Personal thanks goes out to everyone involved for making this whole project such a success. Meeting minutes can be seen at
Thank you everyone

1 comment:

  1. Those that can't read that link try here
