Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What a blow

I have just been to Australia to meet my 30 year old daughter for the first time and of course reunite with her mother, when out of the blue I had a heart attack and was rushed to hospital to have it repaired. Being very healthy normally and being short of cash I didnt get medical insurance, so the bill of $14.000 really has hit us hard. My daughter Tara started a gofundme initiative to try help us out and there have been many gratefully accepted donations from Ubuntu guys and gals.
Thank you so much every one of you. We are still short $9000 so I would like to appeal to everyone to please spread the link far and wide for us. If anyone would like to donate but doesn't want to use online payments feel free to contact me for a paypal account or another direct means of payment. gofundme also takes 7% of all donations. Thank you the ubuntu community for being so generous. Here is the link, please spread it as wide as possible.


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